Line Parallel to one Reference Plane and Perpendicular to other

Line Parallel to VP and Perpendicular to HP

  • When the line is parallel to VP and perpendicular to HP, its front view is perpendicular to x-y and shows true length. Its top view is a point view (PV)

  • Consider a line CD perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP as shown in Figure

  • Its front view c’d’ will be perpendicular to x-y line with true length l.

  • Its top view cd will be a point view.


Line Parallel to HP and Perpendicular to VP

  • When the line is parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP, its front view is point view and top view is a line of true length perpendicular to x-y.
  • Consider a line PQ of length l parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP as shown in Figure 46.
  • Top view pq will be perpendicular to x-y with true length l.
  • Front view p’q’ will be a point view.

line perpendicular to HP and parallel to VPExamples

A line CD of length 50 mm is perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP. Its end C is 10 mm above HP and 15 mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of line CD.

line perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP

Line CD is perpendicular to HP and parallel VP, therefore its front view c’d’ will be perpendicular to x-y and top view cd will be point view 15 mm below x-y.
     1)     Take 10 mm distance above x-y and locate c’.
     2)     Draw front view c’d’ perpendicular to x-y of length 50 mm.
     3)    Draw projection line from c’ and locate point view cd 15 mm below x-y on projection line.

A line PQ of length 50 mm is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP. End P is 10 mm infront of VP and 30 mm above HP. Draw the projections of line PQ.

line perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP

Line PQ is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP. Therefore its front view will be perpendicular to x-y and will show true length. Top view will be point view.

    1) Take 30 mm distance above x-y and locate p’.

   2) From p’, draw a line perpendicular to x-y and at a distance 50 mm from it, locate q’. Hence front view p’q’ is completed.

   3) From front view p’q’, draw projection line and on it at a distance 10 mm below x-y locate top view pq which is a point view. 

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