Projections of Points

Here, in projections of point, the object is point and it will be placed in different quadrants.
The front view, top view and side view of point are denoted by various notations, which are given in the following table by considering point A.

Actual Point A
Front view a' or AF
Top View a or AH
Side View a'' or AP


Point Situated in I-Quadrant

When the point (say A) is situated in first quadrant as shown in  (a). Its front view a’ is always above reference line x-y and top view a always below x-y. The distance between reference line x-y and front view a' is h which is equal to the distance between actual point A and HP. The distance between reference  line x-y and top view a is w which is equal to that of actual point A and VP. Figure b shows orthographic view of point A.

point situated in first quadrant


Point Situated in II-Quadrant

When the point (say B) is situated in second quadrant as shown in Figure a. It’s both front view b’ and top view b are always above reference line x-y, as shown in b.The distance between reference line x-y and front view b’ is h which is equal to the distance between actual point B and HP. The distance between reference line x-y and top view b is w which is equal to that of actual point B and VP.Figure b shows orthographic view of point B.

point situated in second quadrant

Point Situated in III-Quadrant

When the point (say C) is situated in third quadrant as shown in Figure a. It’s front view c’ is always below x-y reference line and top view b is above x-y reference line as shown in Figure b.The distance between reference line x-y and front view c’ is h which is equal to the distance between actual point C and HP. The distance between reference line x-y and top view c is w which is equal to that of actual point C and VP.Figure b shows orthographic view of point C.

point situated in third quadrant

Point Situated in IV-Quadrant

When the point (say D) is situated in fourth quadrant as shown in Figure a. It’s both front view d’ and top view d are always below reference line x-y, as shown in Figure b.The distance between reference line x-y and front view d’ is h which is equal to the distance between actual point D and HP. The distance between reference line x-y and top view d is w which is equal to that of actual point D and VP.Figure b shows orthographic view of point D.

point situated in fourth quadrant

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