Orthographic Projection- Steps and Guidelines

Let consider a simple object as shown in figure below. We will draw its orthographic views

  1. Draw thin reference line x-y.
  2. Keeping approximately 20 mm distance above reference line, draw front view as shown below
  3. After completion of front view, draw projection lines perpendicular to reference line x-y, from every corners and edges of the front view
  4. Complete top view by keeping approximately 20 mm distance below x-y
  5. After completion of top view, draw vertical reference line x1-y1, by keeping approximately 20 mm distance to left or right of the front view based upon which side view (LHSV or RHSV) is to be drawn.
  6. Draw horizontal projection lines from front view. The projectors from top view can be drawn by any method shown in Figure below
  7. Visible outlines are drawn thick
  8. Projection lines are drawn thin
  9. Hidden edges are drawn by dashed line.

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